About the Author

Dardan Buck

Portrait photo of Dardan Buck from eggheads with styrofoam eggheads mascot | eggheads.net

"Smart, crazy masterminds? The only person who is crazier than the eggheads staff themselves is our CEO. Here, everbody’s part of the team. Trainees, internship students, as well as full-time employees and management alike. We all communicate on eye-level."

Software solution sales means listening. Listening where the customer’s shoe pinches. I have to understand the world of my customer in order to improve it. This is why I engage in dialog. From day to day. The aim is not to sell a product, but to improve things. I don’t want the customer to believe me, I want her educated decision. I want her to know how I, how we, our eggheads Suite, and its potential will improve her quality of life.

Dardan Buck, Junior Sales Manager

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