About the Author

Steffen Grigori

Autorenbild Steffen Gregori von acquisa | eggheads.net

"Marketing is much like the clap of thunder which breaks the silence of indifference in order to penetrate into the customers’ hearts and kindle and echo of desire."

Steffen Grigori stands firmly rooted in the dynamic world of modern Marketing and Sales. As the chief of service at acquisa, the expert medium for Marketing, Sales, and E-Commerce, he convinces with his in-depth insights into the ever-evolving landscape of trends and best practices of this sector. His work reflects his enthusiasm for high-quality content and up-to-date information. His aim is to keep making significant contributions to the continued growth of the marketing community and he is proud to be an integral part of the field with his years’ worth of expertise.

Steffen Grigori, Chief of Service, acquisa

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