Microscope for the visualisation of the medical sector | eggheads.net

Digitalization & Classification – PIM in the Medical Industry

New, digital business models gain in significance – in particular in the medical industry. With eggheads Suite, you revolutionize your product data processes and secure your competitive strength at the click of a buttons. Caught your interest? We’re looking forward to a personal exchange.

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Microscope for the visualisation of the medical sector | eggheads.net

Digitalization & Classification – PIM in the Medical Industry

New, digital business models gain in significance – in particular in the medical industry. With eggheads Suite, you revolutionize your product data processes and secure your competitive strength at the click of a buttons. Caught your interest? We’re looking forward to a personal exchange.

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Is Your Product Data Fit for Digitalization?

Digitalization poses a great challenge to any company. If you want to stay afloat in today’s digital world, you’ll have to keep up with the progress and differentiate yourself from the competition. However, what are the topics which will determine the future of the medial industry? How will you manage to fulfill all requirements of the markets and inspire your customers – everywhere, at all touchpoints, at any time? If such questions occupy your mind, you should read on.

Top Data – with Lawful Classifications

With the implementation of the UDI system and the mandatory registration of product data in the European database (European Database on Medical Devices, EUDAMED), the topic of classification is more relevant than ever. You’re searching for a solution which allows you to provide your product data in accordance with the various industry standards? In eggheads Suite, classifications such as eCl@ass, ProfiCl@ss, ETIM, etc. are already included in the standard solution. A simple mapping of your product data to the respective classification enables the efficient data transfer. Even MDR requirements (Medical Device Regulation) can be met with eggheads PIM at the click of a few buttons.

Data Quality – Integral Part of Regional Specifications

High-quality product data is the be-all and end-all – in particular when it comes to regional laws, directives, and legal determinations concerning labeling regulations and duty of information disclosure. With eggheads Suite and user-defined quality gates, you can make sure that only all those products are approved for release which satisfy corresponding labeling criteria. Such labels, in turn, allow you to track your product throughout the entire product life cycle.

Illustration of a doctor next to a browser window with medical devices | eggheads.net


Speak the Language of Your Customers

In the global competition, an integrative translation and workflow process which can provide all content in all required languages is an absolute must-have. With eggheads Suite, translations can be tasked in direct connection with translation tools such as Across and Trados. Even the onboarding of your in-house translators or external translation agencies poses no problem. And our software still has more to offer: Besides classic western alphabets, eggheads Suite also supports other writing systems, e.g. from the eastern regions. Accordingly, you can also market your products in China and India with relative ease. Of course, you can also differentiate individual content languages into their regional variants and manage product attributes accordingly, e.g. differentiate English into British English, American English, and/or Austrian English.

Future-Proof Market Position

The continuously increasing demand of medical supplies and the high requirements motivate the design of innovative products in medical technology. In order to establish a sustainable position on the markets, you’re required to patent your innovations. However, great caution is advised: expensive fines may be handed out if your patent protection runs out even though you’re still advertising with it. For this and related use cases, eggheads Suite offers a secure solution: with out software, you patent validity and releases in online channels are automatically monitored and controlled – no more cease and desist letters related to patents.

Complex Product Structures? Challenge Accepted!

With the central management of product data, inconsistent data and tedious searches for relevant information through numerous documents are, finally, a thing of the past. eggheads Suite supports you in unifying scattered data sources and secures a channel-overarching data organization. Even the mapping of complex product structures is no problem whatsoever. Central data management is the ideal foundation for realizing your digital business model and securing your product data quality.


eggheads Suite Features

With These Functions, You’ll Elevate Your Product Communication to the Next Level

  • Central data management
  • Contradiction-free and up-to-date product data
  • Complying with legal classifications
  • Simple implementation of MDR requirements
  • Automated, machine-assisted translations
  • Automated validation of patent validity
  • Clean-up of scattered data clusters
  • Mapping complex product structures
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